Xu Xi
Xu Xi | |
Xu Xi di Festival ExplorAsian tahun 2009 | |
Lahia | 1954 | (age 71)
Namo lain | Komala, S; Chako, S |
Karojo | Hong Kong New York writer |
Xu Xi 許素細 (dibaco Shu-Si) adolah saurang panulih nan lahia di Hong Kong taun 1954 dari urang tuo nan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia kini ko inyo tingga di New York. Xu xi adolah salah saurang panulih dari Hong Kong nan tanamo. Latar balakang transnasional mambuekmyo mampunyoi wawasan dampak perpindahan geopolitik jo akulturasi kabudayaan tahadok iduik urang nan kudian manjadi inspirasi inyo dalam manulih. Xu Xi manulih tantang Hong Kong jo bahaso Inggrih.[1]
Latar belakang
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Salamo 18 tahun Xuxi tinggal di Hong Kong. Inyo baksimpulan indak mungkin bakarier sabagai panulih jikok taruih menetap di Hong Kong. Akhianyo inyo mamiliah manjadi warga negara Amerika Serikat pado tahun 1987. Xu Xi lahia dari orang gaek nan katurunan Cina berkewarganegaraan Indonesia.[1]
Walaupun lahia jo gadang di Hong Kong, inyo berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Pado tahun 1987 sangkek baumua 33 taun inyo pindah kewarganegaan manjadi warga negara Amerika.[2] Dalam satu wawancara jo Lily Rimmer dari The Glass Magazine, Xu xi manjalehan saumua iduinknyo bagajolak untuak maninggaan Hongkong karano manyadari Hongkong jo Cino indak bisa manjadi tampek bakarya, sabab nagara tu nan manganuik komunisme. Dek nyo, Hong Kong punyo independensi nan aneh indak sapanuah independen dalam pemerintah. Xu xi manjalehan alasannyo bapindah kawarganegaran adolah pado tahun 80-an indak banyak panulih Hong Kong nan manulih dalam bahaso Inggirih.[3]
Proses kreatif
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Xu xi mulai manulih sajak barumua tujuah atau lapan tahun. Esai paratamo tabik di rubrik anak di koran. Esai tu tantang pamandangan palabuhan Kong di malam hari dalam pandangan anak barumua sabaleh taun.[4]
Xu xi manyalasaian kuliah S-1 di fakultas sastra Inggris di New York College of Plattsburg pada taun 1971-1974 malalui program beasiswa. Manuruik pangakuannyo, salamo 12 manampuah pandidikan formal, pelakaran bahaso Inggirih manjadi paliang inyo minaik i.
Lapek kuliah S-1, Xu xi pulang baliak ka Hong Kong jo mulai mancari karajo. Inyo malapeh karajonyo kudian maambiak kuliah Dia master seni rupa di Universitas Massachusetts Amherst pado taun 1981-1984. Dalam wawancaranyo jo Derek Alger dari Pif Magazine, alasan inyo kuliah seni baliak supayo batamu jo banyak panulih kreatif jo cara tamudah untuak itu adolah lewat visa pelajar.[5]
Sabalun sapanuahnyo karajo di bidang penulisan, Xu xi mamiliki karier nan bagus di bagian pamasaran perusahaan internasional. Inyo bakarajo di Asia jo Amerika untuak babarapa parusahaan multinasional gadang jo manjabaik posisi manajemen di Dow Jones (Wall Street Journal Asia), Federal Express, perusahaan Leo Burnett dan Pinkerton's. Posisi bidang pamasaran lain nan dipaciknyo adolah di maskapai Cathay Pacific, firma hukum Wall Street Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy dan PDT Architects di Cincinnati. Pado taun 1998, setelah buku katigonyo tabik, inyo kalua dari karajo nan alahnyo rintih.
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Buku
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- Insignificance: Hong Kong Stories, short stories, Thypoon Media Ltd., 2018 (Kumpulan cerpen)
- That Man in Our Lives, novel, C&R Press, 2016. (Novel)
- Interruptions, essays with photography by David Clarke, Hong Kong University Museum & Art Gallery/Columbia University Press, 2016. (Kumpulan esai edisi foto)
- Access Thirteen Tales, short fiction, Signal 8 Press, 2011. (Cerita pendek)
- Habit of a Foreign Sky, novel, Haven Books, 2010. (Novel)
- Evanescent Isles: From My City-Village, essays, University of Hong Kong Press, 2008. (Kumpulan esai)
- Overleaf Hong Kong: Stories & Essays of the Chinese, Overseas, short fiction & essays, Chameleon Press, 2004 (Cerita pendek dan esai)
- History’s Fiction: Stories from the City of Hong Kong, Chameleon Press, 2001; 2nd ed. with critical reading guide by Dr. Michael Ingham, Chameleon Press, 2005.
- The Unwalled City, novel, afterword by Dr. Kingsley Bolton, Chameleon Press, 2001. (Novel)
- Hong Kong Rose, novel, Asia 2000, 1997; 2nd ed., Chameleon Press, 2004. (Novel)
- Daughters of Hui, short fiction, Asia 2000, 1996; 2nd compendium ed. with Chinese Walls, introduction by Dr. Michael Ingham, Chameleon Press, 2002. (Cerita pendek)
- Chinese Walls, novel-in-stories, Asia 2000, 1994; 2nd compendium ed. with Daughters of Hui, introduction by Dr. Michael Ingham, Chameleon Press, 2002. (Novel dalam cerita)
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- The Queen of Statue Square & Other Stories: New Hong Kong Short Stories, ed. Marshall Moore & Xu Xi, CCC Press, Nottingham, UK, 2014. (Cerita pendek)
- Fifty-Fifty: New Hong Kong Writing, ed. Xu Xi, Haven Books, Hong Kong, 2008.
- City Stage: Hong Kong Playwriting in English, ed. Mike Ingham & Xu Xi, Hong Kong University Press, 2005.
- City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English 1945 to the Present, ed. Xu Xi & Mike Ingham with a foreword by Louise Ho, Hong Kong University Press, 2003.
Antologi Kolaborasi
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Fiksi
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- “All About Skin” All About Skin: Short Fiction by Women of Color, ed. Jina Ortiz & Rochelle Spencer, University of Wisconsin Press, Milwaukee, 2014. (Cerita pendek)
- “Manky’s Tale” with reflective essay on NYC in the 90’s LOCAL/EXPRESS: Asian American Arts and Community in 90s NYC, Asian American Literary Review, New York, 2014.
- “Famine” The Bedford Introduction to Literature, ed. Michael Meyer, Bedford/St. Martin’s, New York, 2013.
- “To Body To Chicken” Bridges Around the Globe: A Global Anthology of Short Stories, Temenos Publishing, Arkansas, 2012. (Cerita pendek)
- “Famine” The Seven Deadly Sins Sampler, Great Books Foundation, Chicago, 2009.
- “The Sea Islands” Star Summit (Hong Kong Government secondary school approved textbook) Star Publishing Ltd., Hong Kong, 2009.
- “Jazz Wife” The Jazz Fiction Anthology, ed. Sascha Feinstein & David Rife, Indiana University Press, 2009. (Antologi fiksi)
- “Until the Next Century” Another Kind of Paradise, ed. Trevor Carolan, Cheng & Tsui, Boston, 2009.
- “Famine” O. Henry Prize Stories 2006, ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, New York, 2006.
- “Crying with Audrey Hepburn” Manhattan Noir, ed. Lawrence Block, Akashic Books, New York, 2006.
- “Access” Collateral Damage, Silverfish Books, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Spring 2004.
- “Go Parents” Nineteen (women’s writing), Silverfish Books, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March, 2003.
- “Until the Next Century” (nominated Pushcart & Best of the Beacon) The Best of Carve Vol. 2, Mild Horse Press, Davis, California 2001.
- Ch 14 Hong Kong Rose, NuyorAsian Anthology, Asian American Writer’s Workshop Press, New York, NY 1999.
- “Philip and Me” Lovers, The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA 1992.
- “The Fourth Copy” Home To Stay: Asian American Women’s Fiction, ed. Sylvia Watanabe & Carol Bruchac, Greenfield Review Press, New York, 1990.
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- “BG: The Significant Years” The Near and the Far, Scribe, Melbourne, Australia, August, 2016; previously published Hotel Amerika, Chicago, Vol 8 No 2, Spring 2010.
- “The Creative ‘I’ Workshop” Creativity & Discovery in the University Writing Class: A Teacher’s Guide (pp 209-217), ed. Alice Chik, Tracey Costley & Martha Pennington, Equinox, Sheffield, UK & Oakville, Connecticut, 2015.
- “Winter Moon” Still, (responses to the photographs by Roelof Baaker), ed. Nicholas Royle & Ros Sales, Negative Press, London, UK, September 2012.
- “On ‘A Modest Proposal’” Understanding the Essay, ed. Patricia Foster & Jeff Porter, Broadview Press, Canada, July, 2012.
- “Global English in Contemporary Asian Fiction” Imagining Globalization: Language, Identity & Boundaries, editors Ho Hon Leung, Matthew Hendley, Robert Compton, and Brian Haley, Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
- “Playing the Changes” Now Write!, ed. Sherry Ellis, Tarcher/Penguin, 2009.
- “Multi Culti Literati” Words Overflown by Stars: Creative Writing Instruction and Insight from the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA Program, ed. David Jauss, Writer’s Digest Books, December 2008.
- “Finding My English” HKID Anthology, Haven Books, Hong Kong, 2005.
- “Native Tongues” The Renditions Experience, Renditions, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 2003.
- “Solace in the Map for Lonely Hearts: Evans Chan’s Visionary Search” The Map of Sex & Love (film script) by Evans Chan, Youth Literary Books, Hong Kong, 2001.
- “Writing the Literature of Non-Denial” Hong Kong English: Autonomy and Creativity, ed. Bolton, Hong Kong University Press, 2002; World Englishes, Oxford, UK, 200
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- ↑ a b "Interview with Xu Xi". Ilanot Review (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-03-28.
- ↑ "'Xu Xi' interviewed by Derek Alger". Pif Magazine. Diakses tanggal 2020-04-18.
- ↑ Rimmer, Lily. "Glass speaks with Xu Xi – the acclaimed author of Insignificance – The Glass Magazine" (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-04-18.
- ↑ Rimmer, Lily. "Glass speaks with Xu Xi – the acclaimed author of Insignificance – The Glass Magazine" (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-05-15.
- ↑ "'Xu Xi' interviewed by Derek Alger". Pif Magazine. Diakses tanggal 2020-05-15.