Perhimpoenan Indonesia
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Perhimpoenan Indonesia (disingkek PI) (Bahaso Balando: Indonesische Vereniging) adolah sabuah parkumpulan mahasiswa Indonesian di Balando nan eksis pado paruh patamo abaik ka-20. Parkumpulan iko ditagakan jo namo Balando Indische Vereeniging (Perhimpoenan Hindia), kudian barubah namonyo manjadi Indonesische Vereeniging pado 1922, dan maubah namo Balandonyo manjadi Perhimpoenan Indonesia pado 1925. Meskipun juumlah anggotanyo saketek — sapanjang periode iko hanyo 30 sampai 150 anggota — kabaradoan organisasi iko sangaik penting dek inyo manjadi salah satu nan manyuarokan kamerdekaan Indonesia sautuahnyo dari Balando, sarato banyak mahasiswa PI nan isuak mandapek jabatan politik di pamarentahan Indonesia sasudah merdeka.[1]
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Perhimpoenan Indonesia ditagakan pado 1908 jo namo Balando, Indische Vereeniging dan pado mulonyo hanyo klub sosial, nan manawarkan lingkungan untuak basosialiasi bagi mahasiswa nan barasa dari Hindia Balando, negeri jajahan Balando. Sasudah Parang Dunia patamo, organisasi iko mulai mamasuki kancah politik. Namonyo pun barubah manjadi Indonesische Vereeniging pada 1922, dan Perhimpoenan Indonesia pado 1925.[2] Samanjak itu, organisasi iko sacaro tarang-tarangan manyatoan sikapnyo sebagai anti-kolonial, organisasi nasionalis dengan pandangan anti-kapitalis yang kuek.
Dasar jo tujuan perjuangan Perhimpunan Indonesia tabik dalam organ perhimpunan nan banamo “Indonesia Merdeka” (sabalunnyo banao Hindia Poetra terbit tahun 1916)[3][4][5] dan dikenal juo sabagai Manifesto Politik Perhimpunan Indonesia Tahun 1925. Barikuik isinyo dalam bahaso Balando:
- Slechts een sich een voelend Indonesie, onderlige groepsverschillen ter zijde stellend, kan de macht van de overheersching breken. Het gemeenschappelijke doel –de vrijmakin van Indonesie- eischt de tot standkoming van een bewuste, ob eigen krachten steunende nastionalistische massa actie.
- De deelname van alle lagen van het Indonesische volk in dezen vereenigden onafhandelijkheidstrijd is mede vollstrekt noodzakelijke voorwaarde ter bereiking van dat doel.
- Domineerend en essentiel element in elk koloniaal staatkundig problem is de belangen tegenstelling tusschen overheerscher en overheerschte. De tendenz van de politiek van den overheerscher naar verdoezeling en maskeering van dit element moet van de zijde van den overheerschte worden beantwoord met verscherping en accentueering van alle tegenstellingen.
- Gezien den ontwrichtenden en demoraliseerenden invloed der overheersching op de physische en psychische gestedtheid van het Indonesische leven, dient krachtig te worden gearbeid van de normaliseering der gesteelijke en materieele verhoudingen.
Terjemahannyo sabagaimano dimuek Hatta dalam Memoir-nyo adolah sabagai barikuik:
- Hanya suatu Indonesia yang merasa bersatu, dengan menyingkirkan perbedaan-prebedaan golongan, dapat mematahkan kekuasaan penjajahan.
- Tujuan bersama, yaitu memerdekakan Indonesia, menghendaki adanya suatu aksi massa nasional yang insaf berdasar pada kekuatan sendiri. kut sertanya segala lapisan masyarakat Indonesia dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan bersama ini adalah juga suatu syarat mutlak untuk mencapai tujuan itu.
- Anasir yang berkuasa dan esensiil dalam tiap-tiap masalah politik kolonial ialah pertentangan kepentingan antara sipenjajah dan siterjajah. Corak politik sipenjajah untuk mengaburkan dan menutupi anasir itu harus dibalas oleh siterjajah dengan mempertajam dan menyatakan dengan jelas segala pertentangan itu.
- Karena penjajahan pengaruhnya merusak dan menimbulkan demoralisasi atas keadaan jiwa dan fisik bangsa Indonesia, maka harus dikerjakan dengan sungguh-sungguh usaha normalisasi perhubungan jiwa dan materiil.[6]
Mahasiswa-mahasiswa tanamo pado paruh patamo tahun 1920-an adolah Soetomo, Nazir Pamontjak, Mohammad Hatta, jo Achmad Soebardjo. Pado akhia tahun 1920-an jo 1930-an, muncul pulo Soetan Sjahrir, Abdulmadjid Djojoadhiningrat, jo Roestam Effendi. Malalui anggota-anggotanyo nan pulang, PI manyebarkan pangaruahnyo dalam menempa gerakan nasionalis non-kooperasi di Hindia Belanda. (Mantan) anggota PI ikuik sato mambangun dasar pendirian organisasi nasionalis atau partai politik Indonesia.[7] Misalnyo, Soekiman Wirjosandjojo nan sakambalinyo ka Tanah Air dikenal sabagai tokoh Partai Syarikat Islam Indonesia (PSII).[8]
Aksi di lua nagari
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]After the nationalist turn, the PI saw it as one of its principle tasks to seek support from anti-colonial and anti-imperialist organizations and movements in other parts of Europe. It also wanted to demonstrate the crimes and horrors of Dutch colonialism in the Netherlands Indies to the outside world. By sending informal 'ambassadors' to Paris, Brussels and Berlin the Indonesian students established contact with prominent activists and anti-colonial movements, among whom Jawaharlal Nehru of the Indian National Congress, Messali Hadj of the Algerian Étoile Nord-Africaine, and activists of the Chinese Kuomintang. Indonesian students were also present at the pacifist Congrès Democratique International in August 1926 in the French town of Bierville, and at several meetings of the League against Imperialism from February 1927 onwards. Mohammad Hatta, who was the chair and most important of the Indonesian students, was appointed in the Executive Committee of the LAI, and thus acquired much prominence and an extensive international network.[9]
Persekusi mahasiswa
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Troubled by the foreign activities of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia and the contacts with the communist Comintern, the Dutch authorities decided to crack down on the students in 1927, and to charge the students with sedition in Indonesia Merdeka. On 10 June 1927 house raids took place in Leiden and The Hague, in which large quantities of documents were seized. On 23 September, Mohammad Hatta, Ali Sastroamidjojo, Abdoelmadjid Djojoadhiningrat and Nazir Pamontjak were arrested and put under charge. The court case, which took place in March 1928, led to the release of all the students. The PI and Hatta gained much publicity in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies. The brochure Indonesia Free which Hatta wrote in jail became a widely read document among Indonesian nationalists.
Isu komunis
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]Nonetheless, the confrontation with the authorities also implied that many of the most active students refrained from further activities, and that the membership of the PI dwindled. Largely inactive, the leadership of the association was finally taken up by a group of communist Indonesian students under Abdulmadjid Djojoadhiningrat. Prominent nationalists, among whom Hatta and Sjahrir, were expelled from the association, and de facto the PI changed into a front organization of the Communist Party of the Netherlands.
In 1933 the PI-chair Roestam Effendi was elected as the first Indonesian in the Dutch Parliament as part of the CPH.
During the Second World War between 60 and 110 PI-members participated in the resistance against fascism.[7]
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- ↑ Robert Elson, The Idea of Indonesia: A History. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) 45; John Ingleson, Perhimpunan Indonesia and the Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1923-1928. (Victoria: Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian studies, 1975); John Ingleson, Road to Exile: The Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1927-1934. (Singapore: Heinemann, 1980) 1-18.
- ↑ Fishman, Joshua A. (2011-05-03) (dalam bahaso en). The Earliest Stage of Language Planning: "The First Congress" Phenomenon. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-084898-4.
- ↑ (dalam bahaso id) Sumpah Pemuda: latar sejarah dan pengaruhnya bagi pergerakan nasional. Museum Sumpah Pemuda. 2 Januari 2008. ISBN 978-979-98998-2-8.
- ↑ Suratkabar, Serikat Penerbit (1971) (dalam bahaso id). Garis besar perkembangan pers Indonesia. Serikat Penerbit Suratkabar.
- ↑ Noer, Deliar (2002) (dalam bahaso id). Mohammad Hatta, conscience of a nation, 1902-1980. Djambatan. ISBN 978-979-428-466-7.
- ↑ “Bestuurswisseling,” Indonesia Merdeka 3.1 (February 1925): 3
- ↑ a b Poeze, Harry A.; Dijk, Cornelis; Meulen, Inge van der (2014) (dalam bahaso id). Di negeri penjajah: orang Indonesia di negeri Belanda, 1600-1950. KPG bekerja sama dengan KITLV-Jakarta dan Universitas Leiden. ISBN 978-979-9107-49-7.
- ↑ Harjono, Anwar (1997) (dalam bahaso id). Perjalanan politik bangsa: menoleh ke belakang menatap masa depan. Gema Insani Press. ISBN 978-979-561-443-2.
- ↑ Indonesian Identities Abroad: International Engagement of Colonial Students in the Netherlands, 1908-1931
Bacoan lanjuik
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- John Ingleson, Perhimpunan Indonesia and the Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1923-1928. (Victoria: Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian studies, 1975)
- John Ingleson, Road to Exile: The Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1927-1934. (Singapore: Heinemann, 1980) 1-18.
- Harry A. Poeze, Di negeri penjajahorang Indonesia di negeri Belanda, 1600-1950 (Jakarta: KPG, 2014).
- Klaas Stutje, 'Indonesian Identities Abroad: International Engagement of Colonial Students in the Netherlands, 1908-1931', in: BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review, Volume 128-1 (2013) pp. 151–172.
- Klaas Stutje, 'To maintain an independent course. Interwar Indonesian nationalism and international communism on a Dutch-European stage', in: Dutch Crossing, Volume 39-2 (2015).