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Wikipedia Minangkabau - Lubuak aka tapian ilimu

Kontributor nan ado sabagiannyo maraso cukuik posesif ateh bahan-bahan (baiak kategori, templat, artikel, berkas, dll.) nan alah disumbangkannyo untuak proyek ko. Bahkan ado pulo nan sampai manyakeknyo dari sagalo "pangacau". Bedakan hal ko jo minaik Sanak kapado artikel nan Sanak pantau dalam daftar pantauan Sanak. Mungkin Sanak adolah surang ahli atau paduli sangaik tahadok sabuah topik. Tapi kok kapadulian ko malampaui bateh tatantu, mangko Sanak alah bakalabiahan. Mampicayoi baso sabuah artikel mampunyoi pamiliak adolah kasalahan umum nan acok tajadi di Wikipedia.

Sanak indak dapek managah urang di dunia ko untuak manyuntiang "miliak Awak", sangkek Sanak mamasuakannyo ka Wikipedia. Bak cando nan digarihan pado tiok laman suntiangan:

Kok Sanak indak namuah materi nan alah Sanak masuakan disuntiang tanpa ampun atau disebakan dek urang lain, jan masuakan ka siko.

Kok Sanak mandebaik jo kontributor-kontributor lain tantang pangapuihan, pambaliakan, dan lainnyo, manga indak dari dulu sajo baranti manyuntiang di siko?Manjauhan diri dari hal ko dapek mandinginan suasana, Sajuakan ati Sanak salamo ciek atau duo pakan. Atau kok urang lain mangaku-ngaku "kapamiliakan" suatu laman, Sanak dapek mampatanyokannyo pado laman rundiang nan basangkutan. Mintaklah pandapaik kontributor lain, atau patimbangkan proses panyalasaian pasalisiahan.

Walaupun malakukan suatu hal ka sabuah artikel indak maagiah hak pado sasaurang untuak "mamiliki" artikel tu, tataplah pantiang untuak maragoi karya kontributor-kontributor lainnyo. Sangkek mambuang bagian gadang isi, utamonyo nan dijariahan dek saurang editor, paralu untuak dipatimbangkan apokoh hasia nan labiah ancak buliah dicapai jo bakarajo samo jo editor tasabuik, bukannyo manantangnyo - talapeh dari apokoh inyo "mamiliki" artikel itu atau intak. Caliak Wikipedia:Bataratik dalam manyuntiang,

Jan tando tangani sasuatu nan bukan miliak Sanak[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Samanjak indak ado urang nan mampunyoi "hak miliak" ateh bahan-bahan artikel, kok Sanak mambuek atau manyuntiang artikel, Sanak indak buliah manandotanganinyo (maagiah tando jajak Sanak). Sabagai bukti baso Sanak alah bakontribusi, namo Sanak beko tanampak pado laman riwayaik artikel tasabuik.

Di lain pihak, katiko manambah komentar, batanyo, atau mamiliah pado laman "rundiang", rancak malah untauk mananditangani bagian nan sanak tulih. Hal iko bisa dilakukan jo maagiah tando "~~~~" -- tanpa tando kutip, atau tando kuruang pado akhia tulisan atau komentar rundiang Sanak pado laman teks wikinyo.

Contoh kepemilikan[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Ownership examples[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Berkas:Oedipus and sphinx.jpg
Like the Sphinx guardians of Greek mythology, Wikipedia "owners" pose a riddle to all who dare edit their article.

Events[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

  • Minor edits concerning layout, image use, and wording are disputed on a daily basis by one editor. The editor may state or imply that changes must be reviewed by him/her before they can be added to the article. This does not include egregious formatting errors.
  • Article changes by different editors are reverted by the same editor for an extended period of time to protect a certain version, stable or not. This does not include removing vandalism.
  • An editor appears on other editors' talk pages for the purpose of discouraging them from making additional contributions. The discussion can take many forms: it may be purely negative, consisting of threats and insults, often avoiding the topic of the revert altogether. At the other extreme, the owner may patronize other editors, claiming that their ideas are interesting but that they lack the deep understanding of the article necessary to edit it.

Comments[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

  • "Are you qualified to edit this article?"
  • "Revert. You're editing too much. Can you slow down?"
  • "You obviously have no hands-on experience with widgets."

Tipe kepemilikan[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Ada dua jenis kepemilikan pengguna: Satu jenis lagi biasanya melibatkan pengurus dan didiskusikan di Wikipedia:Wheel war.

Primary editors[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Primary editors, that is to say, one editor who takes ownership of an article, should be approached on the article talk page with a descriptive header that informs readers about the topic. Always avoid accusations, attacks, and speculations concerning the motivation of editors. If necessary, ignore attacks made in response to a query. If the behavior continues, the issue may require dispute resolution, but it is important to make a good attempt to communicate with the editor on the article talk page before proceeding to mediation, etc.

In many cases (but not all), primary editors engaged in ownership conflicts are also primary contributors to the article, so keep in mind that such editors may be experts in their field and/or have a genuine interest in maintaining the quality of the article and preserving accuracy. Editors of this type often welcome discussion, so a simple exchange of ideas will usually solve the problem of ownership. If you find the editor continues to be hostile, makes personal attacks, or wages revert wars, try to ignore disruptive behavior by discussing the topic on the talk page. If the ownership behavior persists after a discussion, dispute resolution may be necessary, but at least one will be on record as having attempted to solve the problem directly with the primary editor. A common response by a primary editor confronted with ownership behavior is to threaten to leave the project. Since the ownership policy encourages such editors to take a break, it may be wise to let them leave and return when they are ready.

Multiple editors[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

The involvement of multiple editors, each of which defends the ownership of the other, can be highly complex. The simplest scenario usually comprises a dominant primary editor who is defended by other editors, reinforcing the former's ownership. This is often informally described as a tag team, and can be frustrating to new and seasoned editors. As before, address the topic and not the actions of the editors. If this fails, proceed to dispute resolution, but it is important to communicate on the talk page and attempt to resolve the dispute yourself before escalating the conflict resolution process.

Penyelesaian isu kepemilikan[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Resolving ownership issues[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

While it may be easy to identify ownership issues, it is far more difficult to resolve the conflict to the satisfaction of the editors involved. A few simple strategies may be helpful:

  • Stay calm, assume good faith, and remain civil: Accusing other editors of owning the article may appear aggressive, and could be perceived as a personal attack. Address the editor in a civil manner, with the same amount of respect you would expect. Often times, editors accused of ownership may not even realize it, so it's important to assume good faith. Some editors may think they are protecting the article from vandalism, and may respond to any changes with hostility. Others may try to promote their POV, failing to recognize the importance of the NPOV policy.

See also[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Lihat pula[suntiang | suntiang sumber]

Pranala luar[suntiang | suntiang sumber]